“I really did not think online pt training would work! I have been training with Karen for a while and she is brilliant! When we went in to lockdown she set up a zoom video! I had no idea what to expect having had no experience before lockdown of what this was! Well I can safely say it’s excellent my training has not changed. I still get one to one every week and I still get the excellent training that I have become used to! Karen makes sure I’m doing the exercises properly and pushes me to my max! It’s fantastic! I am stronger every week and it really lifts my mood especially during this difficult time I have really needed it!! It’s a bit of me-time with my husband woring in one room and two kids to help with schooling!! I don’t think I would have stayed sane without Karen popping in on Zoom once a week and putting me through my paces! Thank you Karen, you are fabulous!”